Travel insurance is one of the fundamental factors which you must include in your preparation before making any trip overseas. We highly urge all of our clients to manage their insurance policies as soon as they have booked a trip with us. However, we will like to mention you that insurance should be done before the trip and Our Company doesn’t arrange or sell any forms of insurance services.
Insurance gives you a proper aid to any forms of unforeseen circumstances that might occur during your travel costing your wellness or fortune. For a relaxed trip and making the most of every next step you take, insurance is the helping hand to clear your mind. Especially while doing an excursion in some remote areas, we might risk any form of sickness or injury amidst the journey. In these unfortunate cases, emergency evacuation (via chopper) and treatment are provided, but it comes with a great fortune charge that might exceed your limit. So, we strongly recommend to any clients joining the trip with Tourist Link to choose a conventional policy covering all these events and travel with a light heart to the destinations.
While selecting amongst many of the given policies be aware of picking the best ones that are optimal with your trip itinerary. For example, if you are in the urban Himalayas trek, taking insurance that covers the emergency Helicopter rescue is distinctly beneficial. However, if your trip consists of tours comprising the major urban areas, you mightn’t need such insurance and a basic one would work fine too. In addition to that, we also recommend you to check for the compensation in case of trip cancellation events for your own benefits.
We will prepare a letter in case of any of the insurance covering activities for your claim. You will have to send us a copy of the insurance policy/certificate beforehand for us and should carry the original one while arriving here for the trip. For your assistance, our helpline open 24*7 will help you with a proper understanding of the itineraries and also recommend some of the best insurance companies for travelers around you. Note: The insurance companies we recommend are of no link and concern with us, and we have selected them as per the suggestions from our previous travelers.